Before You Buy Those North Carolina Ragdoll Kittens

By Charles Stone

It is probably a very good chance that you are reading this article right now because you are in the market for a new pet or at least a replacement one. You may have seen an advert for sale of North Carolina ragdoll kittens and you are thinking of this breed. Prior to your buying this particular breed, do read on in this article before making a commitment.

The ragdoll is named after its uncanny ability to go suddenly limp. When it is picked up, it will suddenly relax and behave as if almost boneless and basically just like ragdoll. As they are quite docile, anyone can just pick them up and run away with them. They should be kept inside at all times to prevent kidnapping and also from other animals fighting it.

The breed is good to have around children for it is very safe. It is a cat that will tend to paw at things rather than scratch or claw at things when playing. Thus you will not need to really declaw it or have fear of it accidentally scratching someone in the home.

Although they will come in a number of colors, the cat has two very distinguishing marks to set it apart from other cats. Their eyes will always be blue, no matter what. A ragdoll will have eyes of no other color. They are also mitted most of the time, this means that they will have patterns on their feet that look like they are wearing white mitts or socks. They are also quite big for domestic cats, reaching up to twenty pound. Thus at times you will need to use two hands to carry them.

In addition to their docile temperament, their personalities or rather actions are very much like that of a dog. They love to carry their toys around and also follow you around wherever you go. If you do happen to enter a room with a door they will wait outside of the door for you. They also want to be part of any activity that will be on at the time and will always want to be sitting on your lap.

Ragdolls through their lifetime are generally healthy but they will generally get conditions that are unique to their breed. These conditions are gall bladder stones and also heart conditions. They are fairly long lived however reaching up to fifteen years in lifespan. It is important therefore as they get on age that they be given proper nutrition and regular visits to the veterinarian.

Grooming is not an issue for this cat as they do like to be brushed and cleaned. They should be groomed and brushed at least twice a week so as to prevent the fur from matting and tangling. Their ears should be cleaned and their nails trimmed at least twice a month so as to prevent infections also.

This article has thus shown you some important things to know about this breed before you buy one. You can of course do more in depth research on this breed as the need arises, just be sure to get all the information you do need to make an informed decision in the end and make that commitment.

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