Labradoodles And Other Breeds Of Dog

By Martha Fox

In our houses today, it is a good thing to have an animal as a company. Most of them will help you guard the premises and because of their cuteness, you will feel relaxed every time you hug them. Dogs have been with humans for so many years already. Australian labradoodles for sale is a type of breed that is best to have in your house.

The same is actually a combination of Labrador and poodle purposely mixed in order to derive a new type of dog. The result is perfect, it is indeed amazing looking at the creation of God. Such act is actually allowed under the law and in the eyes of God. Even humans are doing such, interracial is very common nowadays.

No one can deny that the environment inside a particular house is different when a dog is part of the residents, not just a guard or pet but as a family as well. Humans and dogs are compatible with each other, not to mention the good relation that we have ever since the beginning. Dogs and humans are considered best friend because of their compatibility and similarities when it comes to feelings.

There are just times that we feel disappointed because no matter how we love its kind some people are still forgetting their value. As a matter of fact, there are places or countries who do not respect their rights. They are being killed just for fun, some are even killing them for foods.

Unjustified killing of these creatures is really a crime, but we cannot blame some persons which their tradition allows them to do so. However, whatever the reason may be, killing of them is unjust in the eyes of the Almighty. He gave us the highest level of intelligence in order to protect and preserve the beauty of our nature.

There are people who are promoting their inherent rights as an animal. Not because these are just animals they are now considered as lowly creature. As a matter of fact, we were all created by God in the same footing. So meaning to say, there is no such thing as lowly creature. It was just happened that humans were given higher level of understanding but it does not mean we are higher from them.

Being that said, such is our responsibility to maintain the balance on earth. Balance that all creature have a right that is considered equity. To put it simply, equality among equals shall be enforced. It is understandable that person is completely different from a dog, so they must not be given the same protection. But if we are to apply the principle of equity, dogs have a right that they deserve different from humans.

As to the behavior of said dogs, it already depends on the training that the owner had given them. Most are pampered with love and spoil, but at least few are being exposed to danger and violence. Luckily, most of those exposed to danger are those members of canine who help our authorities in solving crimes.

Nonetheless, buying and selling their kinds is not prohibited in our society. This was actually made on purpose to give people the chance to perform their responsibility as keeper of nature. Indeed, having one in your house is like having an additional member in the family. They may not have the brain like us but their feelings are more than what we have.

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