Facts You Should Know About Separation Anxiety For Dogs In Los Angeles

By Jennifer Snyder

There are telling signs that would make it apparent that your canine is suffering from separation anxiety each time you leave. If your otherwise well-behaved dog chews your shoes, defecates in odd areas and destroys furniture when you are away, these behaviors are not stemming from malice. You should therefore work on helping your furry friend and not punishing it. There are facts every pet parent ought to know about separation anxiety for dogs in Los Angeles.

According to research anxiety is the cause of the majorities of destructive behavior incidences. The sad truth is that these incidences are commonly mistaken for behavioral issues. For you to effectively solve the problem, you need to diagnose it correctly. A skilled dog trainer can help you establish whether your canine is a troublemaker or it is actually anxious.

Separation anxiety in dogs is often associated with distressed, frantic and destructive behaviors that only happen when you are away from your pet. Some dogs will engage in destructive actions for a few minutes while others may not stop until you return. In both cases, the canine is anxious, upset and distressed, and its actions are not rooted in spite or disobedience.

When a canine is anxious, its pupils will be dilated and it may pace around, pant, salivate, howl and bark uncontrollably. Because it is upset, it will try to escape from the room or crate and it may even destroy property that is around it. The distress will be replaced by an overwhelming excitement when you return home and your pet will give you an exaggeratedly warm hello.

Understanding the cause of an issue will enable you to effectively address it. Separation anxiety is more prone to canines whose socialization patterns have changed, have witnessed the death of a pet buddy, has changed surroundings or has changed pet parents in the past. Your pet could be more vulnerable to the issue because of lack of training, genetics, neglect, long vacations or even premature adoption.

For you to help your pooch and provide calming treatment for the concern, you could begin by changing your goodbye signal. Change what you typically do as you leave your home. For instance, if you put on your coat, then your boots and then take your keys. Consider taking your keys and boots and not leaving for about 15 minutes before wearing a different coat.

Changing your routines will ensure that your pooch does not associate certain patterns with being left alone. It will be important for you to work on making your departures a good thing. You can try leaving your pet with its favorite toy or treat. Additionally, downplay the hellos and goodbyes for it to understand that leaving is normal and you will always come back.

Another outstanding tip is to engage in rigorous playtime before your departure. When your canine is tired, it is likely to remain calm even if it does not see you. After burning pent up energy, divert the attention of the pooch to food or sleep. You need to work with a skilled trainer for you to get more personalized tips.

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