East End Tick Control: How To Protect Your Rabbit

By David Kellan

When discussing the most beloved pets in the world, rabbits tend to be overlooked. This shouldn't be the case, as these furry creatures can make welcome additions to various households, including those that have small children. Rabbits aren't unlike other pets, though, in the sense that they run the risk of carrying ticks with them. If you'd like to know how to protect your animal friend, here is some important organic tick control information to know.

One of the most important things to know about rabbits, as far as ticks are concerned, is that some animals are at greater risk than others. Anyone that specializes in organic tick control will tell you that rabbits that live outdoors are more likely to attract these pests. It's also worth noting that if you have a dog or cat, the risk increases. This is just the start of the insight that the likes of Alternative Earthcare will be able to provide.

Not unlike other animals, rabbits seem to have ticks in certain areas more than others. Inside and between the ears seem to be the most common areas, which makes sense given the space that said areas provide. It's not unfathomable for a pet owner to check these areas, only to notice small bite marks that seemingly came out of nowhere. Even though rabbits can be bitten in other areas, the ears are where the bulk of your attention should be focused.

Fortunately, there are a few ways that pet owners can protect their rabbits from ticks. One of the best methods is the simplest: by checking their fur. A rule to remember is that if a tick has already ingested blood, they will appear larger. With that said, you shouldn't attempt to remove the tick that you see with your fingers, as this can complicate matters. You should do this with care, particularly with a pair of fine tweezers.

Did you know that grooming can play into tick control, too? Keep in mind that brushing your rabbit will allow you to pick up on any stray ticks on your pet's body. Furthermore, if you continually brush their fur, you'll be able to spend more time with them. After all, one of the benefits of being a pet owner is building a bond with your animal friend. For health and emotional reasons, regular grooming is essential for your rabbit.

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