A Few Things You Should Know About White Pomeranian Dogs

By Pamela Lee

Pomeranian dogs are small, but bold and simply adorable. They come in various lovely colors, including red, black, blue, brown and different color combinations. Nevertheless, the rarest and the most beautiful are certainly those white Pomeranian puppies, with their dark eyes and snowy white, fluffy hair. There are really hard to breed successfully, and you need to know some things before choosing your puppy.

Find a good, respectable breeder. Both parents of your future pet should be perfectly white. Your puppy might look white now, but the color might change when he grow up. A good breeder will know for certain of what color the puppy will be when he is between 8 and 12 weeks old. Even so, there are a few tricks you can use to be perfectly sure.

The hair has to be perfectly white on all parts of your dog's body. Possible shades of different color may be noticed on some areas when they are still very young, for example, behind their ears. If you can see even the slightest discoloration there, it is a sign that there will be changes of color when the dog is older. All Pomeranian puppies change color shade slightly when they grow up, darker become slightly lighter and vice versa.

Your new puppy should have perfectly white hair, dark brown or black eyes and black nose, lips, eye rims and even paw pads, Whites with different color shades will probably have dark brown eye rime or reddish skin color on these parts. Blue eye color is possible, but not acceptable.

As with any other breed, finding a good, respectable and dependable breeder is a must. You want your new pet to be perfectly healthy and to behave appropriately as well. If you take a quick look at his parents, you will be able to see some characteristics you might find appealing. Although, physical characteristics will be probably more likely inherited than behavior.

When it comes to good behavior, you have to work on this. This breed is actually easy to train, because these dogs are highly intelligent and can learn anything, if they want to. Toy breeds are hard to train for one reason only, they are simply too adorable to say no to them. Still, if you want to have a nice dog who will behave properly and be polite, you have to work on this.

Pomeranian dogs are really fragile, especially puppies. They are so small and helpless, and you have to supervise them all the time. They might seriously hurt themselves if they fall from the sofa, for example. Playing with toddlers is not a very good idea, or with smaller children. Grown up dogs are not so sensitive, but this breed should still have responsible company.

Pomeranian dogs shed and regular brushing and combing are required. Whites get dirty easily, and having a box of canine wipes is always a good idea. These wipes are really handy when it comes to their eyes. These areas should be regularly cleaned, to avoid darker tear stains. There are also good quality eye drops you can use to avoid this problem.

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