The 4 Most Peculiar Pets That Are Worth Having

By Robin Setser

There are many animals that we think of when the topic of pets pops up. Cats and dogs are among the most common, but what about those that are less typical by comparison? Which options are the ones that make the average person's head turn? For those that want to add a little bit of spice or uniqueness to their household, here are 4 of the most uncommon animals that people actually have as pets.

Ferret - Arguably the cuddliest creature on this list, the ferret is equal parts innocent-looking and lovable. As a matter of fact, if you're the kind of pet owner that's into playtime, ferrets can provide you with hours upon hours of entertainment. They seem to be quite fond of balls, so feel free to pick up a standard rubber ball at your local pet store. Ferrets are worth considering, as the likes of Assisi Animal Health will attest.

Snake - While they might be less cuddly by comparison to ferrets, snakes can make surprisingly good pets as well. Depending on the species that you go with, your snake may be one of the most outgoing, loving animals that can be brought into the home. In addition, the snakes found in pet stores are defanged, meaning that you won't have to worry about bites. Keep this in mind if you're looking for something a little more unorthodox.

Tarantula - Did you know that many people keep tarantulas as house pets? Even though this might seem out of the ordinary, these creatures are beneficial in a number of ways. Pet owners won't have to worry about them making noise or starting to smell. In addition, they don't take up much space, making them all the more compact. If you're not afraid of spiders, you may want to give serious consideration to this option.

Bearded Dragon - Lizards come in many forms, and the bearded dragon cannot be overlooked. One of the reasons for this is that, compared to other lizards, the bearded dragon is calm and easygoing. In addition, as your pet becomes more acclimated to their surroundings, they may be more inclined to walk up to you for attention. This is one of the more rewarding pets, despite how uncommon it seems on the surface.

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