Discovering Rare Blue French Bulldog Puppies

By Kathleen Jackson

While most every child wants a pet, it is important to understand the life span and traits of a breed before obtaining a puppy. For example, rare Blue French Bulldog puppies only have a life span of 8 to 10 years. As such, these dogs are better suited to adults than children.

Originally, the breed, often known as Frenchie originated in France. During the 1800s, the breed was cross-bred with rat terriers at which time it was also downsized into a 16-18 lb domestic dog. While smaller than the original, the breed still has traits related to the original. It should be noted that these dogs must be cleaned, and often drool both at home and away. As such, owners are often advised to carry a rag or towel so as to be able to wipe the drool away when it occurs.

Often called Frenchie for short, this breed originated in the south of the France. Originally known as a descendant of bull-baiting dogs which originated in ancient Greece, it was later reclassified as a domestic dog rather than one involved in baiting bulls and dog fighting activities. After which, it was downsized to 16 to 18 lbs and became known more as a domestic breed than a fighting one.

These amazing and quite rare puppies now grow into companion dogs. In most cases, individuals adopt or purchase these dogs with AKA paperwork. However, it should be noted that the breed, while small still retains most of its ancestral traits. As such, owners often find a combination of traits found in the Mastiff, Rat Terrier and French Bull Dog in this line. The rarity of the Blue version strictly relates to color and not size or traits.

In fact, in 2014, these little beauties were the 4th most popular registered dog in the UK and the 6th most popular in the U. S. In 2017, the breed was labeled as the third most popular in that region. So, it is clear to see that the popularity of the breed has only grown over time.

Most often, the smaller bulldogs are all descendants of the original British Molossian dogs which were later bred into Mastiffs in ancient time. Mastiffs along with Great Danes are some of the biggest dogs in the world. As such, it is often hard to believe these 16 to 18 lb little beauties are descendants of such huge K-9s. Of course, as the size goes down to twelve lbs for dogs bred as show dogs, that is a comparison that is even harder to believe.

Whether descended from a French Bull Dog or Mastiff, these dogs all have a purpose. For some, it is to accompany an owner to a dog show to win Best In Show. For others, it is for companionship throughout the life of the dog. And, then there are those using the dogs in bull-baiting and dog fighting circles even though these activities are now against the law throughout most of the world.

For most, these adorable puppies grow into domestic companion dogs. Although, there are also some which are bred solely for dog shows. In which case, most have been downsized even more to an average of 12 pounds. For, it is often easier to transport a small dog than a larger one. In addition, those bred for show have often been trained by a professional.

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