A Few Interesting Things About Goldendoodle Puppies

By Scott Fisher

Everyone should have a dog. Well, maybe not everyone. Good people who love and appreciate animals should have dogs. These lovely, loyal and extraordinary beings are something special, and they give an extra dimension to anyone's life. Maybe you see yourself as a person who has to have a pure-breed, and maybe you don't care about it. In any case, you will fall in love in Goldendoodle puppies.

Goldendoodle is a cross-breed between poodles and golden retrievers. Depending on the poodle variety used, they come in three basic sizes, miniature, small and large. Both breeds used are highly intelligent, and the resulting cross-breed is really one clever dog, there is no question about it. This is intelligent, friendly and amusing, perfect family dog.

It seems like this dog inherited all the best characteristics of his ancestors. He is playful and friendly, sweet-natured and lovable, and he sheds very little, thanks to his poodle ancestors. This makes him really good choice for people suffering from different allergies. Although people are really allergic to dandruff, not hair, without shedding there will be no dandruff.

The biggest problem with all puppies is their beauty and softness and charm. How could anyone say no to them. To those big dark eyes and soft little noses. And then, one day you will have to start teaching them how to behave. You might start right away then. Try to understand that dogs have a different hierarchy and that they simply need a pack leader, it will be easier for you then.

Training your dog might be complicated at first, but it will make your life so much easier later on. Dogs enjoy chewing things, and if you don't teach them not to, you will probably see the result on your house plants or furniture. You don't have to be highly experienced in this, you just have to have a lot of patience. This is a great choice for new owners, because this dog is easy trainable.

If you want to have a dog, prepare yourself on spending some time walking your pet every single day. It's a great activity and you will enjoy it, but it is also a great responsibility. Dogs need to stay active, for their health as well as for their happiness. No dog will be extremely happy spending his days alone in some apartment. It would be nice to have a house, but a good daily walk will do as well.

Grooming is really simple, especially if you clip your pet's coat every few months. These dogs might have quite long, curly or wavy hair, and this requires a good brushing every now and then. Clipped coat is much easier to maintain, and this particular hairstyle suits Goldendoodles. Just have their nails clip every now and then and check their ears.

When it comes to food, any type of good quality dog food will do. You should never feed your pet with human food or sweets, especially not with chocolate. This can be really dangerous for your pet. Give your dog reasonable amount of dog food divided into two daily meals, and that's it. Dog treats and a piece of fruit is also allowed every now and then.

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