Tips For Bird Dog Training Holly Hill Hunters Utilize

By Marie Price

Serious fowl hunters will tell you there is nothing more important to their success than a talented pointer or retriever. Their animals are almost as critical them as their guns. This being the case, bird dog training Holly Hill hunters trust has to be the best. The sportsmen are often on waiting lists to purchase puppies sired by specific animals that have proven to be excellent examples of their breed. They are usually willing to spend huge amounts of money in the hope of getting a beautiful hunting animal with natural instincts.

Good genes play a large part in whether or not the animal will grow into a natural athlete. Breeders are concerned with specific body structure, stamina, and strength. Desired pointers have keen senses of smell and enjoy working hard and pleasing their masters. They are bred to have the kind of coats that can withstand cold water and adverse field conditions. Hunting dogs must be intelligent, patient, and extremely well behaved.

Seasoned professional trainers know you must start slowly to acclimate one of these valuable dogs in the ways of the sport. You can't just throw them out in a field and expect them to know instinctively how to stand, point, or retrieve. The puppies are started off with simple commands that are easy to learn and quickly become ingrained. Teaching them to sit, heel, and understand what no means can be accomplished indoors and treated as playtime.

Socialization is an important skill these dogs must learn early. Over their lifetime, they will be placed in unfamiliar surroundings with people they don't know and other canines that have been trained similarly to themselves. They will have to feel at ease being transported in dog crates and confined in them for long hours.

Puppies have to learn how to navigate fields easily and confidently. It is usually best to take them along on walks in large open areas. Owners can encourage their animals to run and play and enjoy their time outside before starting any formal work.

Every retriever has to be very comfortable in the water. This water may sometimes be cold and murky. They will have to learn to shake off discomfort and ignore weather conditions. Every working dog needs to clearly understand when it is time to work and when it is time to play. These animals must be trained early that retrieving birds is not play.

Before any dog gets into the field it will have to get used to the noise of multiple gunshots. They will also have to know how to handle themselves around those guns. Trainers often utilize dead pigeons to train animals on the correct way to handle fowl. At first it is easier for a puppy to work with an animal that is not trying to fight them or get away.

Talented hunting dogs are prized possessions for serious hunters. They can make all the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful shoot.

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