Top Safety Tips On Going To A Private Dog Park Seattle

By Catherine Myers

Taking your pup out is always a good way of getting both of you some fresh air. However, you should first consider a number of factors before heading to a private dog park Seattle provides. Read the paragraphs below for a guide to making the day as successful as possible.

Before taking your dog out, you want to be sure they will respond to your commands. They should be able to at least come around when you call them. It is upon you to make sure they behave as you may not have control over what other pets do. You can expect all sorts of strange animals at the park and you should know how to withdraw your own in case of danger.

There are a number of things to look for when selecting the right playground for your pet. However, you first need to identify the parks within your neighborhood. You can seek referrals from other dog lovers who could be your friends or family. In addition, you can check up other animal playgrounds over the internet to get additional options to consider.

Be sure to choose a place that is right for your puppy in Seattle, WA. You most likely do not want to take your pet to place that is not properly maintained. This therefore implies that you should look for places that are spacious, clean and fitted with all the necessary amenities. When taking your dog out for the first time, consider visiting the playground on a weekday when it is not overcrowded.

The size of the puppy park in Seattle, WA you go for also matters. You need to look for place that is just enough for the size of your pet. Smaller pups do not require larger venues where they can mix with more mature dogs. You should therefore be sure that you take yours to place where they can meet and play with their age mates. Keep in mind that larger pets are usually overly aggressive and may harm younger ones.

Unleash your puppy once you get to the playground. It may sound ironical to even mention this tip here, but it surprisingly important. Some dog owners usually feel uneasy with the idea of leaving their pets to roam and play around freely. The day is all about them and they should therefore be left to play as much as they can.

There are additional safety tips that will minimize chances of your puppy getting injured. First, you should leave all their toys at home. Animals can sometimes be possessive in nature and that may cause conflicts between them leading to fights. However, you may hide one of the best treats in your pocket just for use at the right time.

Do not take your kids to the pet park. Where strange animals are reacting to each other, children are an additional variable that may complicate matters. Moreover, it may be difficult to predict how your kid will react when the meet strange animals. Lastly, you need to play a key role in keeping the park tidy. It goes without saying that you should voluntarily clean after your dog.

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