A Look At Estate Liquidators Orange County CA

By Lisa White

There are certain circumstances when a person may need to liquidate property. Folks will often question the need to hire a liquidation service when they have a large number of items of value to sell. These folks may want to think about employing estate liquidators Orange County CA can provide. It does not matter if you have the property of a deceased loved one or you want to downsize by getting rid of items, this type of sale can generate large profits.

Even those who have sold a large number of items to one individual may earn more if they hired a professional to manage the sale. The liquidation experts organize and plan the sale so that it generates more of a profit. Typically, the sale is held over a two or three day span. The length of the sale depends on how much is being sold.

Regardless how many days the sale lasts, on the final day items are marked at half price. The liquidator will take sealed bids for remaining items. If there are items remaining, the professional can coordinate local charities to pick them up. The agreement is made with the client before the sale begins. Sometimes, the owner will prefer to handle the liquidation of the remaining items.

The liquidator prefers that clients do not sort, clean out, or discard any items. The will typically ask that everything be left as is. Items that may seem like junk to the owner will be of great value to someone else. Getting rid of items prior to the sale will prevent the opportunity for assessment and the chance to make money.

Professional liquidators are experienced in staging and organizing a sale to get the greatest profit. It is not necessary for you to organize or clean out the items prior to the arrival of the liquidator. The professional will strategically arrange items so as to enhance the appeal. If there are things that you want to keep for family or hold onto for yourself, you will need to remove them.

You do not need to have antiques or collector items to have this type of sale. There are many sales that do very well with only a few of these items. Often the things that are necessary for everyday living are sold for a profit. You cannot know what someone will be interested in purchasing.

Make sure to remove items that are of sentimental value you wish to keep before the property assessment. Once you contract with the professionals you will be asked not to remove any items. The contract is based on everything that is in the home when an assessment is completed. During the sale, an extra bedroom can store items the family wants to keep.

In Orange County California, a sale can take place a few weeks after the contract is made. Set up time will be determined by the size of the estate. A small estate may only take a week to prepare for sale. A few weeks after the sale you will receive an inventory of what was sold. A final statement of account will be provided.

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