Important Information About Pups Cavachon

By Patrick Campbell

This puppy is rare and one of a kind that is desired by many people. This was introduced in western countries not too long ago. Their birth was the result of accidental mating of two types of breed which is the Spaniel and Cavalier. You will rarely see them because they stay inside the house always.

Their size is not very big. It ranges from 12 to 20 pounds. It depends on their age. But usually, the most common is from 15 to 18 pounds only. And their height is okay. Once the parents are tall, then the result is the same too. It is a case to case basis. Pups Cavachon is born from two types of puppies. They have been introduced not too long ago.

Their hair or some people call it coat is like fur. It is very soft and thick too. One thing that most people love and that is to touch and hug them always. It has some great benefits because they will be protected from sunlight, and they will be warm during the cold season. And their colors vary but very common. Just like what you usually see which is black, white and brown.

One of their quality is very friendly and is safe for children. The kids love them and wanted to play around. But when your kids have some allergies best that you let them stay away. So the situation will not become more complicated. Since the year they were born, they continue to gain popularity in the market and it has been known to many people around the world.

You rarely see them mad. Because they can understand others right away and even human being. All they want is to love and please everyone. Give them enough time and the love they deserve. If you are a kind of person who is in need of love and attention, this one is a good one to own.

Give them all the things they deserve. Though, some of them are expensive but it is worth of the money you spend. You take good care of them like real babies. Bathe them and use the right soap but this should be done weekly and bring them to the clinic when needed. And after six weeks, you need to groom them and cut the hair. And be sure to be careful when you bring them outside. Limit the time of exposure.

Since their intelligence is way too high, training them will be easy. They will learn easily and have the great memory retention. Be careful of the things to teach them. When they did something wrong, explain to them so the next time they will be aware and would never do it again.

Their energy is not that high. You could bring them to the park but for a limited number of hours only. Since they get tired easily. What they prefer and love the most is playing indoors with the whole family. But you still have to walk them to the park or at the backyard so they will get some sunlight.

If you are to busy and is working everyday, make sure someone is left with them. Otherwise, place them in a cage to make them safe. Since they will run away and you are not given the assurance if they would come back. They need love and attention all the time.

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