Tips On Training War Dogs

By Stephen Stevens

When you first meet a dog you want to build trust so that a bond can formed. It is essential for training. Dogs have shown their patriotism over the years but their efforts are yet to be fully recognized. Usually, war dogs are thoroughly trained to think like a soldier in the battlefield. These dogs could be tasking to train since they have to respond to non-verbal communication.

It is very expensive to prepare them for the battle depending on the special training it should receive. Training can only start if they follow those small commands you give it like to stand or sit down. You must be consistent on the place you will be training this soldier. Let it be trained in a fenced area where no distractions take their attention away.

Taking them to the training ground severally lets the dog get used to the ground. When it gets to this area you can easily command it and it follows instructions to the letter. It should not seem like a chore or a forced activity. Let them enjoy the moment. This make it easy for a trainer during practice since they are obedient thus saves them time.

Let the dog respect you and be patient with the training lessons. The last thing a trainer can do is to expect a dog to grasp all commands in one day. In case they do not understand a command do not overact. Be calm and repeat the action over and over until they get it. Respect is not earned from the food and attention you get them. It is from how well you protect them from danger.

When training dogs carry yourself as you would during a job interview. Be serious and let your commands be clearly displayed. Dogs love someone powerful and one who can show sense of authority. What you do with your body is what matters the most since they copy the action. Some people presume you have to look huge to show authority but that is not the case.

They love being given attention and appreciated for good work. If the training that day was awesome treat the soldier with a nice meal or play an interesting game with it. Not all dogs will want to play therefore know what motivates it. You can learn this during training by marking the things it enjoys the most and use one of the activities to treat it.

In case a dog misbehaves during training you should punish it accordingly. Most training camps are against punishing them but it is just like you would discipline a child. However it should not be brutal and emotional. Make the dog understand what they did was wrong without screaming or whipping them. Let them know you angry click.

They must eat well and exercise a lot during the training period. It helps their brains to function effectively and grasp all the lessons. These dogs experience trauma during deployment therefore train them how to relate with new people. They are our next heroes and future law enforcers, they should be treated with dignity.

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